Monthly Archives: June 2010

Is it a tool for advancement or for the detriment of humanity this thing we call the INTERNET.
What I know is that if you use it “sensibly” then the usefulness to fulfill and advance your knowledge and understanding grows proportional to the time you spend on the line.

There are many discussions on this topic of the usefulness and the uses of the internet. Whatever people argue for or against the Internet I treat the Internet Stage as nothing… Continue reading

Different point of view… I always look out for alternative explanations when dealing with just about anything.  Lot of things are changing at alarmingly increased speed. How things develop and things pass. There is more than whats on the surface. Like the tip of the iceberg, most of it is submerged where you really can’t see it unless you stick your head into the cold waters. 🙂

The following is an excerpt from ” WhatConspiracy Theory
If ”

What if… Continue reading

An excerpt about Love:

One of the primary lessons we are learning has to do with love.  Love has been
vastly forgotten and missing here; and love that is not present in enough abundance
only leads to greater forgetfulness and also the inability to forgive. 

It is a lack of forgiveness that leads to forgetfulness and the lack of forgiveness is fundamentally related unto a loss or lack of love. 

Love is the primary vibration that envelops all in the… Continue reading

We bless you bigger than we know how. We hope you make the life choices that lead to an understanding of the creator that you are and that you are empowered to choose your dreams and choose your direction ahead; and choose to ascend into healthy biology that lives through the times of cleansing. Continue reading