Monthly Archives: January 2012

Top Info Click Show More,Copy,paste,Reorganized to Word-Email,Flyer All (vid. horusdownunder)Get info To Truth: blogs, Web Sites ! COPY/UPLOAD TRUTH VIDEOS-STOP REMOVAL **Forbidden Knowledge Below ** 1. Satanists-NWO Elite/Member (Jesuit/Illuminati)(they prefer-Lucifer)..infiltrated-Highest To Lowest Positions, in every neighborhood, they work along side us, They Run Our Countries-world leaders, Politicians, Law Enforcement-local,state, federal, legal system-Judges, Lawyers, Education, All Religions, All Business, Trades, Main Stream Media, Health Profession ( they inject, infect, medicate Toxins (note…many great women & men…But They Will Do As They… Continue reading

Hosted by James Gilliland (April 19, 2011)

“V skutocnosti nezdielam nic nového, všetko, o co sa snažím, je aby som pomohol ludom si znovuspomenút, kým a co v skutocnosti sme.” (George Kavassilas) V priebehu rozhovoru Vám bude zdielat George Kavassilas informácie spojené s: -Pochopenie velkého podvodu a ETagendy. -Kým skutocne sme , z kadial pochádzame a kam smerujeme. -Rok 2012-2013, transformácia Matky Zeme a jej ludstva(vzostup). -Podrobný popis Matky Zem a jej obäte, ktorú ucinila pre tento cas. -“Finálny akt” tmavej sily za úcelom prevzatia kontroly ludskej… Continue reading

This presentation has been created as a sequel to “Our Journey and the Grand Deception”. George reveals more behind the scenes information of which we are unaware that is critical in helping us in re-remembering who we all are and also in understanding what is actually occurring all around us. • What does the ascension of our Divine Mother Earth Sophia, and therefore the activation of her planetary Light Body, actually mean on a practical and physical level? • What… Continue reading

This is the original footage used for the fake reptilian video’s. Due to the poor internet speed and the video’s pixilation’s it was easy for someone to put into the pixilation’s whatever images they wanted. It is so obvious when you just stop and take a closer look. We could easily have taken this down but I chose to leave it on YouTube. We knew it was going to become controversial and people would end up saying all these horrible… Continue reading

• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading