Grand Canyon at the Tapeats Creek & Colorado River confluence looking eastI feel the calling that is spoken to all who have ears to hear and hearts to feel. We are in turbulent times and as such the world is ever changing both physically and spiritually. I present information that is beyond the usual 6 o’clock news. It is not news but more of a message from the realm of the spirit.

Please refer to the full link for the full context of this message:


At this time it has been decided by Anasonya, the Inner Earth mother and her Tao within that she is to enter the New Dream of the Great Central Sun now rather than a few years from now or 2016-2018 as originally anticipated.  This is a vast choice that is deemed necessary due to forces vying to prevent the polarity reversals that Anasonya requires moving through in order to succeed at her goal of homecoming.  Therefore we are pressing up the entry time into the new dream into the NOW of 2010 beloved.

This is a vast shift and the effects of which are yet not entirely known.  One thing that is helpful is that the caustic patterns anchored in the implosion of the last whale false ascension can be put behind Anasonya along with parallel experiences of recent years upon the surface of the earth.  The net result is that the aurora is being rebuilt at this time and should shine stronger and brighter than before as there will be fewer rifts in time.  Rifts in time going back to the earliest whale implosions through false ascension some 300,000 years ago are also being sealed at this time; and the forces that entered earth’s flow as a result of all fission, nuclear annihilation included, are being pressed behind a large series of mirrors that are causing her to move through the last star gate leaving all that does not resonate behind.

It is vastly true that surface earth humanity is hardly aware of or ready for this shift underway.  The polarities are going to reek a certain level of havoc in most of human civilization ahead.  Mostly we see that there may be financial upheaval such that the last upheaval will appear as a non problem.  The pyramids of any great size are diminishing as we speak in half or less that drive the dreams of large business and nations alike; this translates into a fall of half the wealth along with power and then a redistribution of this wealth and power amongst those rising into figure 8 dreams that are magnetic and resonant with the new dream.  We have spoken to this shift before; and it was outer earth’s or Terra’s hope to modulate it more greatly so that humanity would be less traumatized.

Unfortunately the needs of the whole are greater than those of outer earth humanity; and so inner earth has had to press her way into the new dream earlier than anticipated.  The net result is going to be a large shift int the human dream in about four years time and into the decade to come in which there may be great upheavals of financial and governmental as well as life dances.  The life upheavals may also be due to large numbers of deaths amongst those who simply are not ready for the push of ascension and pull of magnetism of the dream that the earth has now entered.  Time shall also compress the unconscious onto the physical causing much confusion as many humans are not ready to integrate their parallel lives.  Some parallel life circumstance will spill on to physicality as a result causing great life shifts and sometimes into ill health or other traumas ahead.

WHAT CAN YOU DO?HallOfGiants Carlsbad Caverns HDR

Well it is the Taos’ suggestion that you get serious about your ascension if you are not already.  Ascension is not a game nor is it a path of choice as everything is now to be forced to ascend; ascend or perish is the dream to be now depressed upon all of earth. The inner earth has gone through its cleansing in the past 3000 years of ascension focus; they too will be pressed in this shift and experience yet again another time of cleansing.  For the outer earth where little focus upon ascension has been fostered, it is a time of great change ahead.

The outer earth mother or Terra wrote two workbooks to help humans in their ascension focus and has created six meditation CDs to help each learn to move their energetic systems in harmony with the new dream.  Few have taken this to heart and desired to work with these materials.  So we invite you to take your ascension seriously and choose to focus inward upon the karma and patterning required to transcend to embody a magnetism resonant with the Great Central Sun dream; and in so being ascension into continued health and well being can be fostered.  You are the dreamer and the dream; you are the creator.  As the creator you can determine your dream even though chaos may be dreamt by others who are less aware and around you.  (See Products for more information.)

As more humans become more aware that they can modulate their dreams, then there can be less chaos.  However if the body is not ready for the shifts in magnetism and increasing heat and vibration that is the result of earth entering the new dream, then it may be of little use to focus upon dreaming the dreams you desire; as the body will not be ready to ascend with earth.  We see many will fall into ill health as a result of a failure to focus; and even those focusing will have to take their personal cleansing and diet very seriously as the magnetism shifts will cause imbalances in the subtle field leading to disease if there are too many toxins present in the biology.  Therefore paying attention to both the physical and energetic dynamics associated with karmic release and ascension will foster continued life and well being ahead.

There may also be vastly more earth movements in the coming decade or two due to the stress upon earth’s plates that are the result of the magnetism now of entering the new dream.  This cannot be helped but can be modulated through human focus to be less catastrophic.  Humans can help to modulate the size of each earth movement through intention and the more that focus in this manner the gentler the shifts can be in each region.  However moving to a more rural and less toxic environment may be key to continued ascension into health and well being ahead.  Rural regions may also be subject to less upheavals in terms of earth movement or volcanic activity along with weather disruptions.  (See “Keys to Managing Dreams for Natural Disasters” for more information.)

The north and south pole are going to increase their pace of melting making the seaside a less desirable place to live in the long haul.  Moving inland or up into the hills or mountains therefore may be a better choice for ascending humans.  The earth is also due to expand to offset some of the increasing tides and waterways and you will see the evidence of this in increasing volcanic activity.  Living upon volcanic land may not be a wise choice as a result.  Even those volcanoes considered extinct may awaken and so pay attention to the land and listen to the outer earth kingdoms; as they will know if there is something coming in a few years time to be moved away from.  This is the gift of developing a strong connection to nature at this time, as it will allow for the self healing of all mapping or following the map of ascension as well as movement to those regions that best serve your continued ascension ahead.

There are many prophets and many vying to make a fortune off of the increasing awareness of the human species.  Prophets and those fostering ascension are two different paths.  This group is not about prophesizing the future; it is about making ascension viable in human form and in support of the overall of the earth.  Ascension causes change; and we can monitor some of the changes stepping down the manifestation planes and provide insights as to the future.  However as the creator you are in charge of your future by choosing the dreams that best serve your evolution as a human being.  There are always many future dream possibilities; and as the karma clears through forgiveness then a gentler road can rise up to meet you.  Such is the nature of ascension.

We have established a lovely group of healers that are gifted at understanding ascension from their own experience of the path.  We invite more to work with those who are mapping their upper levels of initiation at this time for the insights that they may foster.  Anasonya is now overseeing the healing through each.  (See “Consultations” for more information).

We also invite those who feel the calling to contribute to our International Ascension Conferences ahead.  We are orchestrating healing of the outer earth and dreams that shall attempt to create gentler times ahead.  For those attending much attention is paid to your personal ascension and there is a level of energetic movements to be learned and an overall recasting that cannot be orchestrated outside of participation.  The healing offered is to aid your map to be whole and complete.  (See “Events” for more information).Buddha Moon - Buddha Stones

For those that feel that you are a map carver, we invite you to join the study programs in our association.  The study programs foster a greater level of ascension and offers continuous dream time support.  The events associated with the school foster a group map that other groups are beginning to follow at this time.  (See “Group Mastery” for more information.)

We bless you bigger than we know how.  We hope you make the life choices that lead to an understanding of the creator that you are and that you are empowered to choose your dreams and choose your direction ahead; and choose to ascend into healthy biology that lives through the times of cleansing.  We will have more to say ahead, but let us suffice to say that the timeframe for global shifts are now upon you; and there is less time to plan ahead to be in the right space and right circumstance to ascend.  We hope you choose your life dreams carefully beloved.


The Inner Earth Tao