
The real aim of your life is simply to start waking up to the truth and that the real truth has been suppressed from you, me, your family, your friends, your community, your nation and your world. My fathers before me and my fathers fathers before him lived a real life of suppressed knowledge and suppressed truth from their world.

It does not matter what you believe, who you pray to, who you make your god, or whatever fraternity you… Continue reading

Ciber CafeIs it a tool for advancement or for the detriment of humanity this thing we call the INTERNET.
What I know is that if you use it “sensibly” then the usefulness to fulfill and advance your knowledge and understanding grows proportional to the time you spend on the line.

There are many discussions on this topic of the usefulness and the uses of the internet. Whatever people argue for or against the Internet I treat the Internet Stage as nothing… Continue reading