We welcome you and we guide and support you at all times, we are the Galactic Council and we are here with words of support for ALL at this time. We come through this channel to show UNITY and to help those who follow the words and guidance of other realms to realise that ALL ARE ONE. As the veils of illusion are pulled from your eyes the reaction of many humans across the planet is one of confusion. It may take time to integrate the TRUTH into your very BEing, so long has the illusion kept the veil and TRUTH from you that it is a process of absorption that must be undergone to fully resonate with the TRUTH. We acknowledge that not all humans will do this, many humans will try to step back behind the veil they have lifted and this causes chaos and mayhem in their creation of the human life experience. It can be comforting to a human to have various patterns that are followed daily, however illusion works to teach that this is how human life experience SHOULD be lived and we guide you to detach from this teaching. The depth of teaching around this is such that many struggle with the detaching, oscillating between allowing TRUTH to be absorbed and trying to place the veil back down. We guide that this is a time of growth and expansion for ALL and that this process is one that must be followed by connection to the heart.