Recently i released TWO Video’s from a BEing called SALUSA the purpose was to SHAKE PEOPLE UP FROM THEIR SLEEP AND TO STOP THEM GIVING POWER AWAY it was not an attack on any BEing or GROUP/S as some DIS-Informationalists CLAIM Many Also Claimed THE CHANNELED MESSAGES WERE FALSE BUT the messages were just as Official, Equal and 100% AS VALID as any other.. However CLAIMS OF IT BEing false were perpetrated even though it is 100% VALID From this experiment in consciousness.. I ULTIMATELY FOUND OUT SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STEER PEOPLE IN THE WRONG DIRECTION.. FOR THEIR own agendas.. By trying to Control informatiON like a movement and creating a CULT-ISH attitude around it.. And By Convincing People to give their Power away to EXTERNAL INFLUENCES AND FORCES they KNOW NOTHING OF NOR EVER COULD The Attacks THEN tryed to get personal.. When they REALIZED Their GAME IS UP they even went as far as to Make up FALSE STATEMENTS that i had supposedly said.. and Creating FULL Dis-Informational Chit chat along the way.. The purpose of all this is PLEASE DO NOT Give power away! and if Your under Fire from Multiple angles take it you are DOING SOMETHING RIGHT 🙂 IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DISSOLVE ANY FALSE BELIEFS OR NEW AGE BS WHEN YOU SEE IT! AND EMPOWER PEOPLE 😀 There are Definate EVIL Agendas Flowing before our eyes.. SALUSA , THE GALACTIC FEDERATION , ASHTAR COMMAND OR ANY ILLUSIONARY GROUP ARE NOT GOOD, NOR ARE THEY RELEVANT.. DO NOT GIVE ANY POWER AWAY AT ALL THINKING IN TERMS OF GOOD

just a continuation of my last video regarding my opinin on the galactic federation of light
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