You are Powerful. The biggest secret the powers that were don’t want you to know is that you are an extremely powerful Being that creates your own reality which includes full control over your physical, emotional, mental, and environmental reality. Further, when you co-create in harmony with others you gain full control over every aspect of life including the weather, peace on earth and free energy for every one. All of your power is inside your heart and when you pray and/or worship anything outside of your self then you are giving all your power away to a fake Deity. The Illuminati wrote the Bible and they are scared to death that we are now waking up to the fact that each and every one of us is God. Our DNA is the most valuable commodity in the Universe, and makes us more powerful then the off world dark over-lords that control the Illuminati unless we choose the lower vibrational level of fear. They broke the rules when they highjacked our free-will, and as you are reading this they are being run out of this Universe one by one. As a result from now on it will be much easier for us to create our reality more to our liking, but only if you choose to let go of your fear. The Planetary shift has already occurred and if you are reading these words then you are teetering on the threshold of the 3D and 5D worlds. The sooner you process your fears and allow them to return to Source the sooner you will regain your Godly powers.