We come with the language of light that is the LOVE that IS to support and guide ALL at this time of great celebration and expansion. Know that you are growing and expanding at a terrific rate, the human race is heightening its vibration and reaching new levels of TRUTH never revealed on such a large scale. Know dear ones that you are all fully supported at this time and beyond. For you are never alone, ALL walk in step with ALL humans. We are the Arcturians and we come to show UNITY and support for all of humankind. Many of you are now able to see beyond the veils of illusion and are able to uncover deeper TRUTH to your very BEing. Know that this will continue and as YOU move through this process YOU will anchor in more and more divine light and shine more and more brightly. Those who are able to anchor and shine that divine light will become a beacon for those who struggle with the veils of illusion. We ask that all who hold the light at heightened levels hold the space so that those who struggle with illusion are able to pull back the veils and absorb the TRUTH of this human life experience. For ALL ARE ONE.