Welcome beloved ones, we come once again to communicate that all is well across your planet. Many of you are feeling the new increased energies and this is causing some havoc to your energy systems. We guide most strongly to detach from the media and from advertising. The vibration that both stirs within you will cause your vibration to waver and flux, it is this that is causing you the physical symptoms that you may be experiencing at this time. Many of you read our words through various channels and at the time of reading will feel encouraged and safe. Shortly afterward you will return to your regular routine and our words will be lost to you. We guide you most strongly to start living your truth and to take steps to change what alters your vibration in a negative way from your lives. Many of you are unsure of how to alter your vibration for the better, we appreciate and acknowledge that change itself can be a stressful time for the human race. Once more we guide you NOT to rely on your vision only, the smoke and mirrors of the illusion is such that you can be shown something totally wrong and yet believe it is good. Many examples of this occur daily in your everyday lives. It is WRONG to judge your neighbour no matter the skin colour, orientation, lifestyle etc. Please do not try to justify why it is ok to judge someone else. We are ONE beloveds and that means that you judge yourself. The illusion spreads fear and negativity so that you turn on each
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Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion