Responding to Financial Crisis. Your world is in financial crisis, and you are likely wondering how long the instability will last. You may already be feeling the impact on a personal level, or perhaps you have concerns about how you might be affected. Regardless of how you are impacted by the world economic predicament, you will want to use the opportunity of this situation to develop new approaches to money. After all, the worlds financial situation is in devastating disarray because of a need to totally revamp humanitys relationship with money. Changes are needed on a large scale involving the masses, but also on a very personal level. To positively impact the whole of the planet and use the opportunity of the planets financial upheavals for your greatest spiritual advancement, therefore, you will want to explore your own relationship with money. As part of that, you will want to update your DNA-level programming about money with more enlightened perspectives. Every Person is Affected Each person on the planet regardless of culture and income level carries limiting belief systems related to money. It doesnt matter whether you have million in the bank or whether you live paycheck to paycheck. The beliefs will be there in your DNA, all the same, and all it takes is some sort of catalyst to make them operable. For many lightworkers, the current economic chaos is indeed that catalyst. Examples include concerns about where the economy is headed, personal

Galactic Federation Of Light The Council of 12