Monthly Archives: October 2011

Bashar Yuhannon – Brikh Ramsho (Live)

A delicious piece from AH LIVE on September 17: an explanation on how to ease up on being stuck in a job for years, and how to move on. For the continuation VERY recommended is this funny piece: I so appreciate the work (the play) Esther and Jerry and Abraham is doing! Here’s the website for their live broadcasts: For more their information, come to My blog where I’m practicing what I’m learning from AH, Bashar and… Continue reading

Taken from 6/4/11 Chicago, IL Workshop. For more information on Abraham Hicks works please visit: All materials are copyrighted by Abraham Hicks. Have a vortexed day 🙂

Abraham-Hicks: Ignore reality to get to your vibrational reality. Care about how you feel at all times! Love this segment. Recorded 2009-10-04 in Chicago For more information on the teachings of Abraham, please visit:

Excerpted from the Agape Conference, Los Angeles, CA 04/16/2011 All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Mi nombre es George Kavassilas y yo hemos tenido una increĂ­ble variedad de experiencias, viajando a travĂ©s de las dimensiones de nuestro universo en el 2003 y el redescubrimiento de lo que la vida en este planeta se trata. Es más importante que se le hizo creer. Es mucho más importante y magnĂ­fico en el gran esquema de las cosas que te puedas imaginar. Me gustarĂ­a compartir con ustedes mis conocimientos y sabidurĂ­a que he adquirido durante una vida de… Continue reading

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