Abraham Hicks. www.abraham-hicks.com. Clip from Asheville NC 10/13/10. All recorded and printed Abraham Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Please see their website for more information about The Teachings of Abraham.
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www.squidoo.com – For those who “Like” Abraham! (add me on Facebook! link at end of description) *** So, where does fairness fit in with the Law of Attraction anyway? Why is it that some people are successful after having broken all the rules, while those of us who follow the rules we’re TOLD will lead to a happy successful life seem so much less successful? If the words “That’s not fair!” still come to your mind, lips or actions, then this piece is for you. This is about how our emotions are not just random things that happen to us, nor are they the result of someone else’s actions that we like or dislike. In fact, they’re important messengers that are telling us what we need to know in order to be incredibly successful in whatever area we want to put our mind to. If you are still learning how to use your emotions for the betterment of your life, this excerpt is gold! successful people, success, love, happiness, relationships, esther hicks, jerry hicks, abraham hicks, not fair, fair play, how to teach fairness, right and wrong, emotional intelligence, neuro linguistic programming, nlp www.facebook.com – add me as a friend on Facebook!
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