All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: – add me as a friend on Facebook! In this excerpt, Esther Hicks / Abraham Hicks is going through a monologue from back in 2004 where she’s talking about how we’ve been trained by society to put our attention on things that bother us, and explains what the result of this negative attention has been, then how to turn it around. If you’re new to the Law of Attraction, this is an excellent piece to help you get a firmer grip on what this Law of Attraction thing is all about, and why it’s such an 180 degree mind-shift turn from current day ways of looking at the world and relationships around us. Our society has a firm eye on horror, fear and abuse, and has trained its citizens to believe this attention will make the horror, fear and abuse go away. This piece explains clearly why we need to put our eye on another ball that’s in play, and how to start the process 🙂 abraham hicks, neurolinguistic programming, nlp, positive thinking, law of attraction, the secret, abusive relationships, emotional journey, emotional scale, emotional iq, emotional intelligence, jerry hicks, abraham
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