www.facebook.com – Join the Abraham Hicks Fan Club on Facebook 🙂 In this excerpt, Esther/Abraham works with a man on the topic of how to help other people who are participating in negative workshops to the severe detriment of their personal relationships with their spouses or other friends. Hit LIKE if you like this video! Share it with your friends, too, I don’t mind! I don’t know about you, but one of the things that draws me and keeps me webbed in this Law of Attraction stuff is how it helps me deal with how to think about the world around me. The base concepts have never changed, yet I still am drawn to listen to more and more content, to expand my way of looking at the world in a positive workshop-y kinda way. Thanks for joining my journey and for sharing your own! abraham hicks, esther hicks, jerry hicks, abraham, esther, law of attraction, negative workshop, positive workshop, how to help friends, friends fighting, fighting with spouse, abusive relationships, depression, anger, love, joy, happiness, positive aspects, processes, how to help friends
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