Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
Preview for Bashar PART 3: The Holotope Experience – November 15, 2009. Visit for info to view the full video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A segment from The One, Join Bashar in this outstanding small group session devoted to open questions and answers, What is the nature of the oversoul and how does it connect with its individual extensions (souls)? Why does the oversoul do what it does? How does the oversoul extend its purpose to its extensions?… Continue reading

Tune into REFLECTIONS Bashar on Alchemy More At
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Preview for Bashar “Above Sedona” – November 8, 2008. Visit for info to view the full video.
Preview for Bashar “Debunking the Debunkers” – June 20, 2009. Visit for info to view the full video.
Preview for the Bashar Holotope Experience featured in the channeling of September 19, 2009. Visit for info to view the full video and purchase DVDs.
Los Angeles 9/6/1988. Darryl Anka channel for Bashar