My Thoughts

Interview with Bashar at: Bashar in New York city Sept. 19th, 2009 register at Dear ones, We are the Arcturians, here to assist you. We know that the most difficult emotion to deal with is fear. Therefore, at Gaia’s request, we have come to you to assist you in learning how to DETACH from fear. It is not easy, and often not wise, to ignore fear because it may be giving you a message important for your survival. At this point in your process, your ego/self may be greatly threatened and feeling… Continue reading

Themes explored: Predictions, 2012. Taken from “Transformation Matters” (2007). For more information and material visit:
Video Rating: 4 / 5 The critical times are here and we are pressing to begin what will eventually lead to monumental changes in Continue reading We come with the language of light that is the LOVE that IS to support and guide ALL Continue reading

Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, discusses the subject of SETI – Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence – and explains why no truly reliable radio signals have been picked up from space.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Bashar discusses how frequency is related to time. This was taken from the DVD ” A Matter Of Faith.” Please visit to purchase more of this exciting information.
Video Rating: 4 / 5