Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
Bashar discusses ideas with regard to our civilization becoming a member of the Association of Worlds. This video was created on March 25, 1987. There are 13 videos in total. See also: http

No music, animated transitions or other distractions. Each symbol in white against a dark background. Ideal for meditating in silence in a dark room, either sitting or lying in bed. Each symbol is on screen for 1 minute. Symbol names, in order, are as below: 1) Center 2) Expand 3) Balance 4) Prepare 5) Express 6) Extend 7) Unlock 8) Flow 9) Receive 10) Relate 11) Realize 12) Act 13) Transform 14) Connect 15) Manifest Directions: Watch full-screen in meditative… Continue reading