Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
Submission has to be accepted in the heart and mind first before it becomes reality. That is one of the laws of this holographic existence which no one power can alter. It will affect all those who submit to such laws. In your mind and thoughts remove and transform and then sit back and watch as your very thoughts change your world. Depending on the power of your thought and how dearly you want that changed it will take… Continue reading
There is a saying that says: When you ready the Teacher will Appear.
But I would like to add to that and say this: When you have eyes and ears that are open and non-subjective then the messages whether they are transmitted through light or darkness will appear in clarity.
What I am saying here is that the insights into your world and understanding will appear before you when your eyes and ears are open and alert. … Continue reading
Woa, I must admit, this following post on took me deeper into the realms of how behind the scenes of world affairs are painting the picture with clarity and understanding to those with eyes and knowledge who can see reality through the charade.
Loosen up and see it from a different perspective to really understand. For those who are new to the world of another reality just move along and go google your self how to’s before your mind… Continue reading
The power of your thoughts and intention can play the role you want out of your life. So be aware of those thoughts you have lest you pay the price of thinking the wrong thoughts. Now that was a mouthful.
The following refers to: morphogenetic fields and the collapse of the old paradigms of earth – part 2
This is the science behind how we can choose a timeline to stay safe, no matter what else is happening. As Gregg… Continue reading
Many of us who delve into philosophical, metaphysical, esoteric and spiritual concepts and notions often have to bear the scorn of ignorant sceptics.
If you find yourself in that situation, it will pay to remember this
discourse by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
“Knowing the whole truth, thou shouldst beware of unsettling the minds of those not yet prepared to grasp it, as untimely teaching may drive from their work such as see… Continue reading