Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
I am going to re-publish this article here because I really like it the way evil has reigned for so long on this planet. It is not your average mumbo-jumbo religious talk here. You need to be well educated with evil and divinity to make heads or tails of it. To really understand this you really need to understand what real suffering is. This Person Dr. Chiappalone puts it really clearly for those with true minds to understand it and… Continue reading
Many of us who delve into philosophical, metaphysical, esoteric and spiritual concepts and notions often have to bear the scorn of ignorant sceptics.
If you find yourself in that situation, it will pay to remember this
discourse by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
“Knowing the whole truth, thou shouldst beware of unsettling the minds of those not yet prepared to grasp it, as untimely teaching may drive from their work such as… Continue reading