I am Archangel Azriel and I come to you on behalf of the angelic realms at this time of much grief and change across the world. Many of you are locked into grief from years ago in your life experience and I am here to help you move through and let go of all the grief. Many of you view me as an angel that is only called on at times of physical death and I guide most strongly that this is not the case. I am present when a human transitions from the physical back to the etheric but I am around each and every one of you at this time. Much of what is happening across the world at this time of great energy changes is stirring up grief that has been held for many years. Many of you walk in the shadow of grief daily, with people, places and events locked inside of you, I guide you dear ones to allow me to transmute that pain to the LOVE that IS so that you can dance more freely and be able to hold more light and love within your very BEing. I work closely with Archangel Michael and both of us are here standing right next to all of you. The changes are intensifying across the world and many are now standing in both grief and fear in reaction to all that is happening. We guide you strongly dear ones that we are here for each one of you. Nothing is gone through entirely on your own, illusion would have you believe that each one of you stands alone in your pain but that is not TRUTH. I am with you dearest ones, I can lift the pain from your BEing and help you to see