What a beautiful way to begin any day and that is speaking to all of you through this soul on my favourite of all days. All of you are delightful children of God, the Creator to some of you, and the Source to others. Many messages are being brought forth regarding trust, faith, love, belief in self, loving others, the list goes on. All messages are important as they are to help guide you on your journey that you have chosen. The journey of becoming one with the Source of all and with yourself. None of you are beyond learning or devoloping further. You are like the beautiful sponges of the sea, except you don’t absorb water, you absorb information, knowledge, light, and love. Through this fabulous journey it is important dear ones to learn how to feel what is right for you. What is right for the next person doesn’t mean it holds any importance to you. You need to trust your intuition. All of you have it. Some of you have learned to rely on this natural ability, some of you are afraid still to trust in it. When you are reading new material, you will notice an excitement in some areas that you will feel, you will want to know all about what it is that you are reading as a result. This is your intuition talking dear ones. You are feeling with your heart, what it is that is YOU. You can read and study everything that there is, but what remains the most from all that, is what resonates with you, with your soul.