The hold that has been on humanity for so long is now to be breached. Ready yourselves for the things to come, and know that we have entered a New Age. The ways that have for so long run your planet are fast disintegrating and this is a process that is not just planetary but personal. We can feel the difficulties presented by all of you pertaining to this process, just know that you are getting through it marvelously and venturing further and further into the higher dimensions. We are very happy to be helping you at this time, and soon you will rediscover our ties to eachother. We are very present in your unconscious memory and now is a time where tapping into said memory is getting easier and easier. The veils are thinning, personally and worldwide. We continue to ask, are you ready? Dear Ones we ask this question not to make you feel like you aren’t doing enough, but to shift your thoughts toward that of preparing yourselves for ascension and the many wonders that follow. We have said this many times, you are all doing unfathomably well. Your strength and courage in withstanding the dark energies simply cannot be matched, and you are highly revered souls on the heavenly planes. Indeed every one of you is a part of a bigger soul, and many of you are beginning to rediscover those from your own spiritual family. It was always intended to be this way Dear Ones as you have a natural energetic attraction to those from your soul group, and this energy brings