to reveal what was forgotten I am Komorusan, NOT Komurosan. It is My Divine Purpose in this Universe to Restore Balance in the Space that I am in. To Reveal what is Concealed so that you make a Fair and Balanced choice. This is Disclosure. Plain, Pure Conscious Awareness. Namaste Lucifer is Prime Creator of The Galactic Federation Of Light and all The Biological Beings Therein. Lucifer has Collected Human and Animal Body Parts and DNA during Abductions performed over Thousands of Years to Create His Third Dimensional Species of the Universe that You will get to See on First Contact. Lucifers Hybrid Humanoid Creations do not have Souls. only the Humans Created by the God that Created Lucifer Have Souls. Lucifer and His Angels Roam the Realms of the Fourth Dimension. His Main Purpose is to offer Humanity a Better way to Evolve into their Original Light Being form Through knowledge of Self Awareness. He will set up His Kingdom on this Earth and Help the Governments of this World bring Humanity Together into a New World Order that will Fascilitate his Ascension Process
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