Welcome beloved ones, once more we come to guide YOU through the veils of illusion to TRUTH. Many are now beginning to move towards TRUTH and we give much love and blessings to those who are now rejoicing in the “new”, for many have found the road to freedom that lives within each and every human BEing alive across the planet. For those who walk with illusion and are finding the struggle of the human life experience frustrating we guide YOU to go within. To find the silence that is within and ask the answers of the questions that YOUr mind has YOU in knots with. For the heart will answer the questions of the soul dear ones. Many are bound up in the mind trying to work out why they are here at this time on the planet earth, the answer dearest ones is within, do not try to think YOUr way to TRUTH for that will only lead YOU further from TRUTH. Many are still trying to awaken those around them and we guide strongly to detach from this way of BEing. Each and every human BEing alive across the planet has their own path to walk, it is not possible to walk exactly the same path as another human BEing.

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion August 2011