lightworkers.org Welcome beloveds, we come to guide and support at this time. We have guided words about duality yet we note that many are still pulled back into the illusion of separation. We come to guide and support and to once again help clear the veil of illusion around LOVE. Many are now beginning to wake up and realise that there is much more to the human life experience than they are being shown by the media, by society and by those who uphold the rules of illusion. Many are now beginning to realise that we are here and around them. We note that many are still falling to the veils of illusion around separation and duality. Dearest ones we fully acknowledge and understand that for many the walk out of illusion will be a long one, the teaching of illusion has been in-depth and many cannot see that to judge another is to walk in illusion. Many believe that by holding the same opinion as other human BEings around them is the way to TRUTH and we guide that once more this is a walk in illusion. Each one of YOU alive on the planet has an experience that is unique, one human BEings experience is completely different to another yet many are still spending vast amounts of energy trying to convince those around them of the reality they live, stating that they are more enlightened etc. This is still duality dear ones.