lightworkers.org www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Welcome beloved ones we are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. We work closely with Archangel Michael in protecting and supporting ALL as many are being triggered by that which must be released so that the new may be born. Many are still walking in the darkness which is illusion and we guide ALL to detach and to look within. For to look within is to find the light that is needed to find the way out of illusion and back into the light that shines brightly within. Many may be surprised for us to publicly state our allegiance to the angelic realms and our work with Archangel Michael but many are still in illusion believing other realms to be their superior and we guide to detach from this illusion, for ALL ARE ONE. ALL realms work to support ALL human BEings across the planet as they begin to the walk to the light and to freedom. For many this walk is a hard one and we guide YOU to ask for the help that YOU need, nowhere is it written that humans must struggle and strain in this the human life experience.
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