Hello to all peoples of the Earthly realms, we are speaking to you, We are the Arcturians. We speak to you from our vantage point, a point of Love that is met within your heart. We meet you there within your heart so as we may communicate on a tone of Oneness. We would like to communicate our benevolence in working with you all and the beloved Earth herself. She is meeting you all as well within your heart space, and wishes you to breathe easy upon her. Knowing that much change is afoot in your reality can cause stress within your forms and within your minds ability to understand what all is taking place within your realm. As all the changes are happening in your now, again Breathe easy… We ask you to come with us to a point of stillness, a point of reflection upon where you are in this now moment… We and all the helpers of the unseen realms are here to help infuse this sphere with divine acceptance. To accept yourself just as you are in this moment. Come with us to reflect upon all that you are in truth. We meet you in that point of stillness, in that point of remembrance! Upon the Earth in this moment all is collapsing into itself. By that we mean all is coming into a resonance with the true nature of Life. We from our standpoint wish each of you to come into resonance with your truth. You will find that as you come into resonance and acceptance of what is your truth, your still point, you will be in Joy! This is a necessity in your moments for as
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Galactic Federation Of Light The Arcturians