There is no doubt in our minds that the subtle disclosures you are experiencing with your media are to snowball into a full worldwide disclosure announcement. Your media has even as of late been broadcasting the ‘infighting’ of the last dark cabal to you all*, and if you haven’t noticed local and national reports of our starship sightings have increased tenfold in quite a short amount of time. This is a part of the planning process and we are now entering the period for action, for true changes upon your physical plane. Dear souls, these changes cannot happen without the majority of you breaking free from your personal darkness that you have harbored during your earthly adventures. Now that so many of you have seen past this darkness and transmuted it, the transmutations are now manifesting physically and you are to see more evidence of this in the immediate period ahead. We never know just when the big moment will occur, if we did and if we were sure your dark were not monitoring these channelings (as they are) we would tell you dear souls in a heartbeat! Disclosure and First Contact are very important events on your world, and to the best of our abilities we wish to keep you informed at all times as to what is going on.

Galactic Federation Of Light The Pleiadian High Council August 2011