Welcome beloved brothers and sisters, we are here to guide and support you as you begin to move through the changes that are the new energies across planet earth. Many of you are struggling with illusion just now as the illusion tries to teach that nothing has changed, that the world is the same as it was yesterday. We are here to guide you strongly to detach from this teaching as it is not truth. Once more we ask you to process all of our guidance and words through your hearts. The world FEELS different dear ones, those who have moved from mind to heart centred living will resonate with these words. Those who are struggling with the mind and trying to move to heart may have more difficulty with our guidance. The illusion will try to teach strongly that the world goes on, that today is yet another day in the life journey that is for humans all over the planet a daily struggle. Many of you are being drawn back into illusion by reading and listening to the media across the planet who are attempting to replant seeds of fear amongst the human population where the seeds have been weeded out. It is vital at this time dear ones to keep your energy system clear and protected. This is something that many struggle with, trying as they might not to interact with the media but failing to sit and clear out their energy system. Failure to clear out your energy system dear ones will result in many feeling clogged or not quite right. Illusion teaches much through the

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion