Welcome beloveds we are the high council of orion and we come with further messages of support and love at this time. We note that more and more humans are beginning to move towards heart centred life experience and we send much love and blessings to all. Many are unaware of the strength that they have deep within their BEing and we guide you to find this strength through your heart. All across the planet the energies continue to increase and expand, planet earth is expanding and so are its children. Dear ones expansion is the growth that you came here to experience and we guide strongly that you embrace this expansion. For many it means moving out of familiar territory where the life experience you have had so far no longer resembles what is coming into creation for you. We guide strongly to ground your energies as you move into the heart centre to start your journey of heart living. Many across the planet reach the stars in meditations and we celebrate and send much love to you, we are ecstatic to reach so many of you at this time and send much love for your faith and trust in YOUR journey to truth. We guide strongly the need to ground the energies that are experienced and guide strongly that ignore the grounding of energies may cause some physical symptoms to occur within the human body. The energies are higher than they have been during the human life time of those across the planet. We have guided the speed of expansion be tailored to what each one
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Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion