Note from Selacia – “This is a special pre-Wesak message from The Council of 12, provided as our annual Wesak season begins. During the next several weeks leading up to May 14 – the date we celebrate Wesak with a global meditation – you can begin tapping into the auspicious Wesak blessings they speak about here. The Wesak is celebrated on different days, depending upon your culture. In Japan, for example, Buddha’s birthday is typically April 8. This year we will have a post-Wesak too, offered on July 9 at the tail-end of the season – helping with the anchoring of energies we receive between now and then. As you read their words now, The Council of 12 will provide you with insights and potent energy that can help you to take advantage of our Wesak season. Remember that the Wesak is a celebration of the enlightened ones who came before us – such as the Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin. It is also a celebration of our own enlightenment potential – each one of us has that very potential. We are here to realize that on an individual level and to help our planet shift into one of light and love.” Elders of diverse cultures over the ages knew about the times of great change you now face. They also knew about the dimensional shift and thinning of veils between realities. Enlightened masters like Buddha and Kuan Yin brought wisdom about a new type of path to walk-the path of love and the heart. During Wesak season each year it’s easier to access the energies and
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Galactic Federation Of Light The Council of 12