Talk less and feel more….Go for the Emotion…In other words, If we could convince you that feeling better is the FIX — feeling better IS the FIX….. Radiant Love and Appreciation to All Extracted from Abraham-Hicks Vortex of Creation Workshop, Seattle, 7/3/11. “Feels guilty when she doesn’t take action.” All Abraham material is Copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications, whose website is at Photo and Video editing by Magi Rose Talk less and feel more….Go for the Emotion…In other words, if… Continue reading

Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop : San Diego – 2011.03.05. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I LOVE making these videos, if it feels good ~ here is a link to donate 🙂 I really appreciate it!! Thank you ? If you’re decidedly obsessed with the Vortex ;)…. and love to… Continue reading This is from Bashar’s “Download”, for this and more visit: If you’re the formal owner of this content and you don’t like this to be shared, contact me personally and I shall remove it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Bashar explains the energies and themes that make up the blueprint of your life and how that influences the way you see reality. Understanding these ideas can have a profound effect on your perception and understanding of yourself and… Continue reading

DANIEL, Angel, this one is for YOU! And You know why! : ) This is my favorite summer Abraham interaction! Helped me to shift my knowing and understanding of this magnificent Universe… Helped me to leap into higher Vortex level. “Get involved in the life You are living HERE & NOW!” Live life in its fullest and that’s everything you have to know! Be YOURSELF! Get HAPPY! Fall in LOVE! THIS IS SOURCE!!! I am SOURCE : ) Aaaand it… Continue reading

All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: Abraham-Hicks Phoenix August 29, 2011
Video Rating: 5 / 5

“Our journey and the grand deception” en français – George kavassilas – enregistré le 21 mars 2009, Australie • Qui sommes nous, d’où venons nous et où allons nous? • Que se passera-t-il en 2012 et qu’est-ce que l’ascension? • Que représente l’activation du corps de lumière de la planète ? • Est-ce que ça voudrait dire que la planète va devenir une étoile? • Quel est le rôle de l’énéergie féminine dans tout ça? • Pourrait-elle être l’héroîne oubliée?… Continue reading