Abraham-Hicks – 20030719 Art Of Allowing Workshop Ashland, OR – Walk from miserable to joyful For more information see: www.abraham-hicks.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Abraham – Manifesting your desires. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: www.abraham-hicks.com

bashar speaks on the soul visit www.bashar.org Unlock Your Hidden Brain Power, Discover How To Harness The Secret Power of the Universe & Go Way Beyond The Law of Attraction……. Download the free info here …… adf.ly

Part 1 is at: www.youtube.com Abraham – Source Energy translated by Esther Hicks – responds to a question from a man who wants to know how to win the Lottery by giving a step-by-step guide to focusing and refining your thoughts in order to attract financial abundance. This 2-part 21-minute presentation tells you just how to allow large amounts of money to come to you, not only in in the form of a winning lottery ticket, but also through any… Continue reading

Abraham-Hicks: Alaskan Cruise, July 2010. Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop: Alaskan Cruise, July 2010. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: www.abraham-hicks.com … (more info)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Sun, The Moon, The Matrix and Manipulation. George and I sat down in January and spoke for nearly 3 hours. This is the first segment with more to follow over coming weeks. The book ‘Penetration’, by Ingo Swann mentioned in the interview is now available from the Download page of my wesbite as a free pdf. www.lisamharrison.com

here is a link to donate to my Youtube videos ~ www.paypal.com I LOVE making these videos, and greatly appreciate anything you are inspired to give!! Thank you ? If you’re decidedly obsessed with the Vortex ;)…. and love to share fun, ?, and joy ~ feel free to come and play on facebook! I always enjoy making more friends….. and the “Abraham-focused” groups are amazingly high vibration places to connect and share! Thanks so much for sharing the beauty… Continue reading