A montage of questions from some participants in one of our Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction workshops, as directed to “Abraham”, the aspect of Non-Physical Source who is translated by Esther Hicks, and facilitated by her husband Jerry Hicks. The answers to these questions are all on the DVD entitled “The Law of Attraction In Action: Episode 1” which is available from Abraham-Hicks.Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham and their latest… Continue reading

A guided meditation on colors with Bashar, channeled by Derryl Anka. For best results please listen to this with good quality headphones. Relax and let all your concerns and worries fade away… Remember that there is only one moment in creation and it is now. Thank you for your timelessness For more information about Bliss Coded Sound please visit www.yogicsound.com For more information about Bashar please visit http
Video Rating: 5 / 5

You are not just this physical body. SELF includes the larger part of you that is non physical in nature – pure, positive, Source energy (God/Life Force/Universal/Soul/Higher Self) AND the physical you. SELF means the Broader TOTAL You =.Physical you + Non physical You, which is WHO-YOU-REALLY-ARE. Most of you have been persuaded by others that you are vulnerable, that you are powerless, that you must prove yourselves worthy. In others lack of appreciation (disconnection) of Self, they have convinced… Continue reading

lacajadepandora.org // cajapandora1@gmail.com 2da parte de la Entrevista a George Kavassilas en Onda Cero, programa ” No son Hores “, sección Exopolítica. En esta entrevista toca como siempre diversos temas muy interesantes, a destacar sus experiencias en las bases de MARTE donde asegura haber estado y respirado el aire de la existente atmósfera del planeta “rojo”, el proyecto “GÉNESIS”, las bases que hay en la LUNA que asegura que es un satélite artificial hueco, el proyecto Montauk y los SUPERSOLDADOS… Continue reading

Extracted from an Abraham Hicks workshop: June 29th, 2008 in Boston, MA. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: www.abraham-hicks.com

Darryl Anka channels the entity known as Bashar after his personal experiences with a UFO. In this interview, we talk to Darryl about his work and what the messages mean to our species in these times. For the full interview, go to www.cmn.tv and use our Free Pass.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Segment from an Interview on ETs & UFOs by Bashar 2006 Bashar.org