Una vez mas disculpen la tardanza, es muy aburrido y tardado subtitular, si alguien queire ayudarme subtitulando le puedo enviar los textos, no se nesesita saber ingles, solo saber subtitular (que tampoco es gran ciencia) Una conversación con George Kavassilas. Grabada el 16 Agosto, 2010. Presentada por Dina. Para mas información visiten el sitio de George georgekavassilas.org En fin, ahora en el sitio de George pueden escribir sus preguntas y respuestas y aunque tarda en responderlas algunos días trata de… Continue reading

what inspires george to share his message with the world? george, gary & kimberley are amazing. the energy they create is powerful. this is an ending you do not want to miss! we must let go of our deep attachment to nature in order for it to morph. trust the process… the entire natural environment must go. this cycle (at least 12000 yrs.) is coming to a major ending and a mind blowing beginning. Hosted by Kimberley Jaeger & Gary… Continue reading

is ignorance bliss? what is your role at this time? ignorance and intelligence are analogous to good & evil and light & dark. is it the end of the world? or the beginning of something new? george shares his experiences that helped him understand his purpose. what are the bases underground and on mars? what will be done? how does this change the game? this is a very important message that you definitely want to hear. what is most important… Continue reading

is the vortex in the gulf of aden & the gulf of mexico the first major signs that the earth’s crust is really moving? global warming and earth changes is the consciousness of the earth. mother earth is giving us a message of the changes she is about to go through. are you prepared for the organic ascension process? you have options…many of them. now is the time to prepare. realities are changing quickly. what you want as an individual… Continue reading

Preview for Bashar – “Vortex Vibrations” – November 20, 2010. Visit www.Bashar.org for info to view the full video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Preview for Bashar – “Wholeness of Being” – June 20, 2010. Visit www.Bashar.org for info to view the full video.

Preview for Bashar – “All Aboard the 2012 Train” – November 21, 2010. Visit www.Bashar.org for info to view the full video.