abraham material

My spin on Abraham Hicks workshop 2010-02-20 North Los Angeles, CA. All Abraham material is Copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications, whose website is at www.abraham-hicks.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This amazing trip into the vortex was recorded at the Boston MA Abraham-Hicks workshop on 6/20/09 www.abraham-hickslawofattraction.com I was listening to this track, for the first time, on the trip home from the carpool run. It had me in tears by the time I got to the end. It moved me… Continue reading

Talk less and feel more….Go for the Emotion…In other words, If we could convince you that feeling better is the FIX — feeling better IS the FIX….. Radiant Love and Appreciation to All Extracted from Abraham-Hicks Vortex of Creation Workshop, Seattle, 7/3/11. “Feels guilty when she doesn’t take action.” All Abraham material is Copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications, whose website is at www.abraham-hicks.com. Photo and Video editing by Magi Rose Talk less and feel more….Go for the Emotion…In other words, if… Continue reading