Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
A delicious piece from AH LIVE on September 17: an explanation on how to ease up on being stuck in a job for years, and how to move on. For the continuation VERY recommended is this funny piece: I so appreciate the work (the play) Esther and Jerry and Abraham is doing! Here’s the website for their live broadcasts: For more their information, come to My blog where I’m practicing what I’m learning from AH, Bashar and… Continue reading
You are not just this physical body. SELF includes the larger part of you that is non physical in nature – pure, positive, Source energy (God/Life Force/Universal/Soul/Higher Self) AND the physical you. SELF means the Broader TOTAL You =.Physical you + Non physical You, which is WHO-YOU-REALLY-ARE. Most of you have been persuaded by others that you are vulnerable, that you are powerless, that you must prove yourselves worthy. In others lack of appreciation (disconnection) of Self, they have convinced… Continue reading