Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
“Our journey and the grand deception” en français – George kavassilas – enregistré le 21 mars 2009, Australie • Qui sommes nous, d’où venons nous et où allons nous? • Que se passera-t-il en 2012 et qu’est-ce que l’ascension? • Que représente l’activation du corps de lumière de la planète ? • Est-ce que ça voudrait dire que la planète va devenir une étoile? • Quel est le rôle de l’énéergie féminine dans tout ça? • Pourrait-elle être l’héroîne oubliée?… Continue reading
PART 4 – George Kavassilas Debunk
Video Rating: 3 / 5
The video to this message was sent to me by a friend a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t upload the video of the lecture but I recorded the audio and created these videos because I think it’s very important to share this message with others. The lecturer is George Kavassilas and he’s a representatitive of the Galactic Confederation of Light. There are 12 parts in total for… Continue reading
• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading
• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading
• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading
• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading