Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment …
• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading
1st Journal 2010-04-24, Mayan day 7 Rabbit or Star TRANSCRIPT: NOTE: There was some intense opposition to getting this one recorded… Makes you wonder… Intro: Please be in heart to listen to this With some of caution, Id like to recommend a lecture by George Kavassilas regarding both the Galactic Federation of Light and his experiences with the impostors of this dear group of Light beings. This 3-part lecture is among my YouTube Play Lists and Favorites… …But back… Continue reading
George Kavassilas is wrong about the Galactic Federation of Light. They were the Galactic Federation of Worlds – the Nibiruan Councils. King Ahn and God Rah are 9th dimensional beings. They had found their Christ consciousness from integrating the Light and the dark. The Galactic Federation of light are the higher evolve spirits that are here to assist the process of ascension. They are not saving all the people on this planet. They are only assisting the ones that are… Continue reading Welcome beloved ones, once more we come to guide YOU through the veils of illusion to TRUTH. Many are now beginning to move towards TRUTH and we give much love and blessings to those who are now rejoicing in the “new”, for many have found the road to freedom that lives within each and every human BEing alive across the planet. For those who walk with illusion and are finding the struggle of the human life experience frustrating… Continue reading Welcome beloveds, we come to guide and support at this time. We have guided words about duality yet we note that many are still pulled back into the illusion of separation. We come to guide and support and to once again help clear the veil of illusion around LOVE. Many are now beginning to wake up and realise that there is much more to the human life experience than they are being shown by the media, by society and… Continue reading Much is spoken of clearing and shielding YOUr energy system but many humans across the planet are unaware that this needs to be done regularly. We guide ALL to be mindful of their own energy systems and the need to clear and shield regularly. We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. It cannot be underestimated the need for the cleansing, clearing and shielding of the human energy… Continue reading