Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment … We acknowledge and appreciate how difficult it is to be a human BEing alive on the planet earth at this point in time. We also appreciate how steeped in illusion many are across the planet and how many lightworkers have now also fallen to the same illusion. We are here to guide and support at all times and we ask that you all step back and detach from what is unravelling before your eyes, to question it. Human “death”… Continue reading Responding to Financial Crisis. Your world is in financial crisis, and you are likely wondering how long the instability will last. You may already be feeling the impact on a personal level, or perhaps you have concerns about how you might be affected. Regardless of how you are impacted by the world economic predicament, you will want to use the opportunity of this situation to develop new approaches to money. After all, the worlds financial situation is in devastating… Continue reading
Spiritual Guidance august
Galactic Federation Of Light Galactic Council Hello to all peoples of the Earthly realms, we are speaking to you, We are the Arcturians. We speak to you from our vantage point, a point of Love that is met within your heart. We meet you there within your heart so as we may communicate on a tone of Oneness. We would like to communicate our benevolence in working with you all and the beloved Earth herself. She is meeting you all as well within your heart… Continue reading Your challenge, as a lightworker, is to remain positive and daily reinforce within your own mind the new kind of world you want to create, have, and live in. How can you do this when your world tells you that everything is falling apart? Success in remaining positive when others focus on doom-and-gloom requires: 1. Persistence. 2. Patience. 3. Believing in yourself. 4. An ability to screen out societys fear-based negative spin. 5. A willingness to change. 6. Ongoing… Continue reading We are the Arcturians. We have been asked how we see each other and whether we in fact have bodies as you understand them. Yes, we have physical bodies, but because we are operating at higher vibrational frequencies our bodies would be classed as energy phenomena in your current physics. The main point is we experience less separation, less “inside” and “outside”, less “me” and “you” with our bodies in this energetic form. They are still bodies, but with… Continue reading