George Kavassilas

George Kavassilas
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Held on April 27, 2011

George Kavassilas
Video Rating: 5 / 5

George Kavassilas
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Picture George has always seen the world through different eyes compared to those around him. Even from a very young age he was aware that the universe was full of life, and could see and feel life around him in a far more significant way than other people, which included the teachings of the so called education system, religious doctrines and society in general portraying a vastly different and limited perspective. The journey began for George as far back as… Continue reading Are we Universal creators learning how to become creators of light? George Kavassilas seems to think so. Actually he says he knows this to be so. Although I don’t agree with everything that he says (who agrees with everyone 100%?) a lot of what he says does resonate with me very deeply. In this interview on Red Ice Radio, George talks about, the ascension process, transformation of earth, the human experience and how we are in the middle of… Continue reading

Written by Brigitta Keck August 2008 – A Sacred Time “Initially I had planned to write only a short letter introducing Marshall to the work of George Kavassilas and then something strange happened. For some reason this letter got longer and longer, I just could not stop. I suddenly started to write the ‘whole story’ of what we ‘Humans’ are about. Day after day I felt like I was gently pushed to continue and it was not an easy task.… Continue reading