
Held on April 27, 2011
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This is the original footage used for the fake reptilian video’s. Due to the poor internet speed and the video’s pixilation’s it was easy for someone to put into the pixilation’s whatever images they wanted. It is so obvious when you just stop and take a closer look. We could easily have taken this down but I chose to leave it on YouTube. We knew it was going to become… Continue reading

This is the original footage used for the fake reptilian video’s. Due to the poor internet speed and the video’s pixilation’s it was easy for someone to put into the pixilation’s whatever images they wanted. It is so obvious when you just stop and take a closer look. We could easily have taken this down but I chose to leave it on YouTube. We knew it was going to become controversial and people would end up saying all these horrible… Continue reading

• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed? • What is 2012 and ascension all about? • What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013 represent? • Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star? • What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this? • Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero? • The grand deception, what is it? • Who… Continue reading

Cuarte entrega de la conferencia de George, en la cual nos habla sobre nuestro viaje en el descenso a los diversos niveles dimensionales en pos de lograr la reintegracion con este Universo.

World of Zeus and a simple Meditation by Mooji EU Zeus George Kavassilas illuminati BruineDwerg2012 The song the illuminati does not want you to hear. Signs Nigel Farage democracy and EU Occupy Amsterdam Beursplein.Nethelands
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Mi nombre es George Kavassilas y yo hemos tenido una increíble variedad de experiencias, viajando a través de las dimensiones de nuestro universo en el 2003 y el redescubrimiento de lo que la vida en este planeta se trata. Es más importante que se le hizo creer. Es mucho más importante y magnífico en el gran esquema de las cosas que te puedas imaginar. Me gustaría compartir con ustedes mis conocimientos y sabiduría que he adquirido durante una vida de… Continue reading // 2da parte de la Entrevista a George Kavassilas en Onda Cero, programa ” No son Hores “, sección Exopolítica. En esta entrevista toca como siempre diversos temas muy interesantes, a destacar sus experiencias en las bases de MARTE donde asegura haber estado y respirado el aire de la existente atmósfera del planeta “rojo”, el proyecto “GÉNESIS”, las bases que hay en la LUNA que asegura que es un satélite artificial hueco, el proyecto Montauk y los SUPERSOLDADOS… Continue reading