
A video by Anna Kasket. 366 Days of Alignment is at For further inspiration, visit http
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Join me on the 100 Day Challenge of finding something to feel good about every day. Goals and Intentions to be set are Attract more Clients Pay off all Credit Cards Book a Holiday Establish My Online Coaching Business Get more organised at home Join some local groups
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Abraham guides us through the process of how and when to action from inspiration. How to put youself in the right feeling-place to be majorly happy, majorly productive and majorly efficient. An uplifting, amusing, inspiring, informative audio which poses the quandry: “I don’t know when to take action”. The power of the vortex is the power that creates worlds and it can move through you to guide you forward in your life. Source: Abraham-Hicks workshop, Atlanta Georgia, 15th May 2010. Abraham Hicks website:

This video is very very inspiring if you think you are down then just wait till you watch this champ show you how to get up.

You know our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…our deepest fear is we are Powerful Beyond Measure…

This following video is another one where you should pay attention to the words written on it.

More words of wisdom and inspiration