
lightworkers.org Too often you are mislead, lied to, deceived, and have information withheld from you by the ‘powers that be’. Continue reading

lightworkers.org johnsmallman.wordpress.com Naturally, many of you are experiencing frustration and impatience as the moment for your awakening seems to get Continue reading

lightworkers.org www.mystery-garden.com Dear beloved Souls of the physical Earth Plane I AM Archangel Michael, calling on all of you to Continue reading

lightworkers.org We come to guide and support as many are struggling to absorb TRUTH and detach from illusion. Many humans Continue reading

lightworkers.org Oh dear children, what a beautiful day it is! Even on the stormiest of days it is wonderful to Continue reading

lightworkers.org Blessings dear children! What a wonderful time it is to speak once again with you through this beautiful vessel. Continue reading