
All copyrights www.abraham-hicks.com and www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks – Old stuff. Uploaded before summer 2009 by Travis and/or Nat. Don’t know what workshop. Part 2of3.

All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: www.abraham-hicks.com Abraham-Hicks Phoenix August 29, 2011 — [Uploaded using YT-Splitter] in20s.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: www.abraham-hicks.com Abraham-Hicks Stamford, September 17, 2011 — [Uploaded using YT-Splitter] in20s.com