Those things which get your attention are created through tension and resistance. The flow of energy is interrupted in the presence of fear and this becomes a point of transformation. Will you choose the fear or something beyond it? The fear has been a constant presence and companion and the path beyond it is unknown. The tension which you feel as dis-ease, dis-comfort, and dis-illusionment are blessings which show you that your reality is not in alignment with your energetic vibrations. As you raise your vibrations and allow new energies to become integrated into your being, tension is created wherever they conflict with your existing vibration. The illusion you are living through is no longer resonating with you and you can no longer support that illusion. Other choices, beliefs and thoughts are now required to support the new reality you wish for yourself, which then creates a new illusion. All life is an illusion, a paradigm that you create through your energetic vibrations. Being dis-illusioned simply means that you can no longer support your current illusion.