The door for change is opening wider and as you are beginning to realize, there cannot be a return to the old ways. It is becoming even more apparent than ever, that a civilization on the verge of Ascension must move into a new level of vibration. The Light beckons you to lift up and leave behind anything that no longer serves your purpose. It is so obvious that the old ways have failed, but not because of you as individuals as you have not held the power. It failed because the system could not sustain a money set up, which placed so much wealth in the hands of so few people. There are moves taking place that may soon enable the necessary steps to be taken that will put the situation right, and it will feature an entirely new financial system. One that is fair and just, and protects your money from unfair laws and taxes. Everything is ready to go ahead and its introduction cannot wait much longer. In fact you are assured of having a very interesting time in the months immediately ahead. Chaos continues and because of it people look for the answers, and they are demanding action from their governments who seem incapable of responding. The reason is because they cling to old methods to mend a system that is broken and beyond repair. They have little or no idea how to cope, and the time has arrived for new governments to appear. That too is well in hand, and although you have not seen any action so far it is not far away. For some years we have little by