Hello dear, beautiful children, how it pleases me to converse through this child and talk to many of you. I see you busy youselves with learning what it is to be one of the Light. Yes there are many roads you can take, you can involve yourselve in Mer-Ka-Bah, Kundalini, follow the guidance of archangels, masters or learn other areas that you are drawn to. You are learning about who you are, you are learning truths, you are learning what your abilities are, and you are learning about Uncondtional Love. You dear ones are learning so much. Through all the lessons, you are repairing areas that need fine tuning, minor adjustments that will bring you closer to your true self. Through all this dear ones, I see many of you not see through all the accepting, releasing and fixing you are already perfect in God’s eyes, the Creator’s the Source to some. Even with the imperfections you are trying to overcome and adjust, you are perfect. We of the divine love you. You are beginning to see with the purity of your heart what your life lessons have been teaching you. You have come a long way dear ones, gone through many hardships and adjusted your way of thinking a few times. Now you are learning once again a new way of thinking and that is with Unconditional Love in your intent. Your actions are starting to speak radiately with love.