Welcome beloveds, once more we are blessed with this communication. We guide and support you during this time of major change and upheaval across planet earth. We wish to guide you more about your fears and how they can manifest rapidly if not weeded out. The illusion is such across planet earth that many of you are feeding into the illusion without realising that you are still being swayed by it. Much more change will come into form over the coming weeks and months and whilst these changes happen it is vital that you do not lower your vibration and fall back into the very illusion that you seek to leave. We watch as human nature still appears to be to pour very negative emotions through all dramas that come to the fore. Drama is a key tool in illusion, with drama hooking humans back into their fears and anxieties almost instantly. Please dear ones be aware of how illusion works in your lives. Drama is created as a smokescreen to fool you into thinking that illusion is real and that what you are beginning to experience as truth is not. This is a time of trusting dear ones, trusting and having faith that the truth you have begun to reveal to yourself is reality. It can be very difficult and we fully acknowledge this difficulty for humans to detach from drama without being pulled into it. Some dramas are powerful and sweep over many of you before you have even realised what it is that you partake of. Many of you will have experienced dramas over the past
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Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion