www.reenagagneja.com Note from Selacia — “At the Equinox on March 19, we had a Council of 12 global meditation event focusing on a healing for Japan and other places in crisis around the world. This Council of 12 message, related to our live Equinox event, focuses on our planetary crisis and changes needed so we can create a new type of world. As you read their words, The Council of 12 will provide you with insights and potent energy that can help you to take your next big leap. They are asking us to trust that there is a higher plan for us and the Earth. They ask us to make ongoing effort to remain in our center even when everyone around us is in fear and chaos. They are here to support us in doing that, and in helping one another. That is how we shift our planet into light. You are enthusiastically invited to join us at these global meditation events — next one is the May 14 annual Wesak when we connect with the ascended masters who created the template for enlightenment on this planet.” Historic moments are taking place on the planet that you call home. Much around you is crumbling and being reconfigured. On an almost daily basis, you have reminders of the shifting of energies — sometimes even physical shifting of the Earth as is occurring this month with Japan’s earthquake and tsunami.
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Galactic Federation Of Light The Council of 12